The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales (PDF download)

The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales (PDF download)

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2600 pages showing every scale over the circle of fifths, notated in twelve keys with piano keyboard & guitar fretboard.

It includes intervallic formulas, degrees formulas, dissonance index, symmetry, bi-triadic hexatonics, source scales and related modes.

This PDF version is the COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA (not a condensed version).

It contains exactly the same material and pages as in the paperback version with twelve volumes.

Plus it offers all the interactivity only possible in PDF format, such as search options, links between pages and more. 

You will not find this encyclopedia anywhere else!!!

A complete encyclopedia of scales has always been on every musician’s wish-list. There are many reasons why having a collection containing all scales in music fascinates us, but the most attractive one is that it is universal.

“There are 2048 scales in music, no more, no less. 12 of them are intervals (scales with only two notes), and 344 of the other 2036 scales are source scales. The amount of scales in music will never change. It will always be 2048 (in a twelve tone system). This not only makes this encyclopedia universal but also eternal."